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Classic  CB  Radios  From  The  Golden  Years

Browning Golden Eagle Mark III

Browning Golden Eagle Mark III

Browning Golden Eagle Mark III

Courtesy Smiley Base

Browning Golden Eagle Mark III with Phantom 500

Courtesy Smiley Base

Cobra Cam 88

Cobra Cam 88

Contex 500

Contex 6706

Contex 6801 Mobile Linear

Courier Caravelle

Courier Centurion

Courier Conqueror II

Courier Ranger

Courier Royale

Courier Royale

Courier Royale

Courier 23 Plus

D & A Hornet Version 1

D & A Hornet Version 2

D & A Maverick

D & A Phantom 500 Linear

Phantom 500 Linear

Courtesy Smiley Base

D & A Raider


Demco Modulator

Demco Modulator

Demco Satellite

Eico Pro 779

Heathkit HM-102

Johnson Messenger I

Johnson Viking I

Johnson Viking Ranger I

Johnson Whiteface

Lafayette Comstat 19

Lafayette Comstat 23 Mark VI

Lafayette Comstat 23 Mark VI

Lafayette Comstat 25A

Lafayette Comstat 25A

Lafayette Comstat 25B

Lafayette Comstat 25B

Lafayette Comstat 25B

Lafayette Comstat 9 Kit

Lafayette Dynacom 23A

Lafayette HB-525

Lafayette Comstat 19

Palomar TX-100

Palomar TX-75

Palomar 500 Power / SWR Meter

Pride 100A

Realistic Amplified Desk Microphone

Realistic TRC 490

Realistic TRC 30A

Regency Imperial

Regency Imperial

Regency Imperial

Regency Imperial

SBE Console II

Sears 40 SSB

Shakespear Fortress

StarDuster Enhanced

Tram Titan II

Tram Titan II

Tram Titan II

Tuner Plus 2

Tuner Plus 3

Varmint XL 600

Varmint XL 150

Varmint XL 250

Varmint XL 1000

Varmint XL 750

Johnson White Face

Midland 13-898B

This was Pan Handler's Base. This rig was given to S7 as a courtesy of AC's sister Cindy.

Star Duster

West Milford, NJ

Lafayette HE-410A Walkie Talkie

Micronta 3 Way Meter

Motorola Mocat

Ranger RCI-2950 with S Meter

Fanon SFT-600

Johnson Messenger 223

USL Contact 8

Courier Gladiator - Shadow 7 owned this actual rig.

Courier Gladiator - Shadow 7 owned this actual rig.

Courier Gladiator - Shadow 7 owned this actual rig.

Courier Gladiator - Shadow 7 owned this actual rig.

Courier Gladiator - Shadow 7 owned this actual rig.

Fanon Scout Walkie Talkie's

Shadow 7 always wanted these since he was a kid and now he finally got them! He used these very same models as a Scout. His patrol leader had a pair.

Fanon Scout Walkie Talkie's

Shadow 7 always wanted these since he was a kid and now he finally got them! He used these very same models as a Scout. His patrol leader had a pair.

Fanon Scout Walkie Talkie's

Shadow 7 always wanted these since he was a kid and now he finally got them! He used these very same models as a Scout. His patrol leader had a pair.

Fanon Adventurer Walkie Talkie

Shadow 7's first Walkie Talkie back in 1963.

An Odd PL-259 Connector. Ever see one like this?

Lafayette Dyna-Com 23 Walkie Talkie

Lafayette Dyna-Com 23 Walkie Talkie

Gonset G-28 modifed to transmit & receive on 11 meters

Lafayette Comstat 25 (25 channel CB radio).

Lafayette Excalibur 80 channel walkie talkie

5 watt AM 80 channel 26.515 to 27.855 MHZ in two bands. This radio has the O2A Pll chip.

Lafayette Excalibur 80 channel walkie talkie

5 watt AM 80 channel 26.515 to 27.855 MHZ in two bands. This radio has the O2A Pll chip.

Courier 1M

Lafayette HB-333

Lafayette HB-333

Turner Plus II Microphones

Turner Plus II Microphones

Dak Mark X

Galaxy 949 & Uniden PC 76XL

Midland 13-867

Panasonic 40 channel base

President Grant & Uniden Grant

Robyn SX-102

Royce 23 channel mobile

SBE Console II

SBE Formula D SBE-26CB

Sears Road Talker 40

Tram Diamond 60

Pearce-Simspon Simba SSB

Siltronics Slider - Model 90

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